Drawtool share study
Copy chart drawings in real-time
This unique SST study for Sierra Chart allows you to copy chart drawings in real-time with Sierra Chart users worldwide.
Many of the Sierra Chart Drawing Tools are supported, including lines, rays, rectangles, retracements, text as well as markers and many more. You can share them using an open channel or also have the option to manage access to a channel using Discord. On managed channels you can restrict access to specific Discord users.
The draw tool share study bundle provides both a transmitter and a receiver study. You can therefore become a provider of drawings to your followers as well as a receiver of drawings from your trading mentor. Using this study bundle also allows you to copy drawings between different SC installations, instances, chartbooks and charts for personal use.
Setup instructions and features are explained in the video above. You will not find this Sierra Chart study anywhere else. Get a free 10 day trial and see for yourself!