Unlock the Power of Real-Time Trade Copying with Sierra Chart's Local Trade Copier (LTC)!

Imagine having the ability to mirror your trading moves across multiple charts and trading accounts, all from the comfort of your own computer. That's exactly what the Local Trade Copier (LTC) V2 for Sierra Chart offers! Here's how you can make your trading life easier and more efficient:


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What is LTC V2?

LTC V2 acts like a super-smart assistant that watches your every trading move and instantly replicates it elsewhere. Here's how it works:

  • Transmitter Study: Think of this as your main control center. Whenever you place an order, change a trade, or adjust an order, this study sends out signals.
  • Receiver Study: These are like antennas on other charts on different Sierra Chart installations. They pick up signals from your transmitter and execute the same actions if set to do so.

Key Features of LTC V2:

  • Real-Time Copying: Your orders and trade changes are copied instantly, ensuring you never miss a beat.
  • Versatile Setup: You can set up one transmitter and multiple receivers, allowing you to copy trades across various charts or accounts. You can also setup multiple transmitters on different tags allowing to copy only specific setups.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Unlike Sierra Chart's built-in features, LTC V2 lets you copy trades between charts using different trading services.
  • Enhanced Order Management: Not only does it copy your trades, but it also mirrors waiting orders, OCO entry orders as well as price changes in stop and target bracket orders.
  • Flexibility: Run as many combinations of transmitter and receiver setups as you need, tailoring your trading environment to your exact specifications.

Why Choose LTC V2?

  • Speed and Efficiency: With lightning-fast execution, you get the advantage of quick market responses without manual duplication.
  • Independence: The copying isn't tied to account specifics but rather to chart configurations, giving you more freedom in how you set up your trading environment.
  • Enhanced Safety Features: LTC V2 includes safety measures to prevent unsynchronized trades from being executed, ensuring your trading strategy remains intact across all instances.

Common Questions Answered:

  • Can I copy trades across different trading services or accounts? Yes, LTC V2 supports copying trades between different trading services or accounts as long as they are set up on separate Sierra Chart installations.
  • Does it work with DOM (Depth of Market)? Absolutely, you can load the study on a DOM just like any other chart.
  • What about latency? While there might be minimal latency (around 0.5 second), this is normal. For reducing latency, check out some tips here.
  • Can I use it for multiple instances of Sierra Chart? Yes, LTC V2 works with multiple instances or installations of Sierra Chart on the same machine, allowing you to copy trades across different setups. This was a primary reason for creating LTC, to facilitate trade copying across multiple Sierra Chart installations.
  • Will future versions be included in my purchase? Yes, if you buy a lifetime license, you'll get updates including future versions like V3 or V4.
  • How does it handle different lot sizes or risk profiles? You can set multipliers to adjust trade sizes on the receiver end, or you can work with different bracket orders on the receiver, perfect for managing different risk profiles across accounts.
  • Is there support for network or internet-based copying? Currently, LTC V2 operates locally. Plans for internet-based trade sharing are in the works but separate from this study.

Important Notes:

  • Local Machine Only: LTC V2 operates solely on your local machine. There's no support for virtual or networked setups.
  • Installation and use: To use LTC V2, you'll need to load a TX chart for each trade you want to copy from a particular trading instrument and account, set an appropriate Tag to label these signals. Load a RX study on the chart you want to receive said trade and set the Tag of the signal you want to receive. This is currently the only way for third-party developers to implement such copying features in Sierra Chart.
  • SST Studies: Remember, SST studies like LTC V2 are known for their reliability and performance, ensuring your trading strategies are executed with precision. Keep in mind that no one can control a fill price of a trade. Equal fill prices among accounts can not be guaranteed. If you know how an orderbook works you will understand.

Get Started Today!

Dive into the full study description within Sierra Chart to explore all the features and settings LTC V2 offers. Whether you're a seasoned trader looking to streamline your operations or someone new to trading wanting to manage multiple strategies, LTC V2 could be your new best tool.

Remember, while LTC V2 simplifies trade copying, always keep an eye on your trades to ensure everything aligns with your strategy. Happy trading! 


Do I need my charts opened to copy trades?

Yes. The LTC is a custom study solution for trade copying. A custom study that needs to be loaded on a chart in order to perform a custom task.

What's the difference with the Sierra Chart trade copy functionality?

With the SST Local Trade Copier V2 studies you have a more flexible functionality.

  • You can copy between charts running on different SC installations, so you are not limited to a single trade service account.
  • Sizing is more flexible as you can scale with different sizes and also use a smaller size on the receiver end. 
  • You can copy your trades using different trading instruments.
  • You can copy only when a trade is entered on a specific chart. So if you only want to copy trades you initiate on your strategy X chart you can do that. Setting the transmitter chart origin and your specific TAG. Basically allowing you, for instance, to copy your scalps but not your swing trades.
  • You can run different bracket orders on each receiver, diversifying the risk managent approach for different accounts
  • You can show a text on the chart where you have a study active, reminding you of the loaded functionality.
  • You can fade the main signal on your receiver side.

Can I use this in conjunction with the Sierra Chart trade copy functionality?

Yes. If you know what you are doing. I do not provide setup support for this, but there are many SC users that use the SC feature alongside the LTC study.

Can I use this on multiple Rithmic accounts?

Yes. You can use this on different SC instances configured with different trade services like Rithmic or any other service that works with SC.

I'm on a Mac and I use Crossover from Code Weavers. Can I use this study?

Unfortunately this does not work. You will need to use a windows machine.

I am using virtualization software. Can I use this study?

If you use virtualization software to run SC on a few different virtual machines on your local machine and want to copy trades between these SC instances, than unfortunately this will likely not work.

Running SC instances on the same virtual machine will likely work. Running Windows 10 via Parallels on a Macbook has been reported to work.

Using a VPS will work.

Does the LTC V2 support copying waiting orders?

Yes. LTC V2 now supports waiting orders.

Does this work under Linux?

Although Linux is not formally supported. SC and this study is reported to be running very smooth on Linux with wine 🍷.

Does this work between SC instances that use a different SC login?

Yes, it works just the same. Be reminded that a study license is only valid for one SC account name. You will need to get an additional license to use the LTC study with another SC account.

What is the best way to have a fast LTC setup?

Check out this tweet thread and don't forget to follow. 

Can I copy trades with other SC users?

Not really. This is a trade copier study to be used on your local computer. There is no support for networked or internet based copying. In the future a different study with such support will become available. If you really want to copy for your friends or family, you would need to get their permission to use SC under their account name on your local machine. It's technically possible, but I think it's not a good idea and possibly against SC  or your trade service user policy.

Can I copy between SC and other platforms like Ninja or MetaTrader?

Maybe. I don't know. I only make SC tools and I am not interested in other platforms.

There is a quick overview video 👇👇👇 so you can get started. Enjoy. Get a free trial license below and have test drive to see what's possible.

Click the button and get your study license

About the author

Frederik creates #SOLID automated trading strategies and indicators for the Sierra Chart trading platform, helping serious traders worldwide with consistent trading performance.


  • Hi, can I use the trade copier on two PCs simultaneously, (main PC and exact same setup on backup notebook, in case of power or internet outage), if I am using the same SC login?

    • LTC V2 operates solely on your local machine. There’s no support for virtual or networked setups. I am working on new and separate study that does support this.

  • Hi I want to copy trade 3 different instances with different data services is that possible?
    Also I want to be able to have trade multiplier as risk profiles are different across accounts
    For example if I trade 1 contract on 1 instance can I mulitply to 3 contracts on second or third instance?
    Thankyou this looks like it might just be what I need.

  • Hello – I have just installed the Trade Copier software, it appears to be working smoothly. I noticed I’m getting about 1 second of latency between the fill times on the two instances of SC. Can you confirm if this is within the normal range of expected functionality? I realize it will vary, but wanted to check. Are there factors that would help reduce that latency further? Thank you!

  • I am so sorry for the ignorant question I am going to ask…I just downloaded your trade copier, when i open a 2nd instance in SC it does not allow me to change the service it says DTC-Sub Instance…can you please advise on how to change it to rithmic

    • This is a SC setup question. A SC sub instance will always use the trade service of the main SC instance. If you want to use a different trade services you will need to install SC in a new location and configure that SC installation with your trade service of choice like Rithmic.

  • hi Frederik I have amp broker with sc and im using their Teton order routing how about if I wanna copy trades from my broker account to apex or topstep is it possible if so is there any video of how to set it up? thank you

    • It has been explained numerous times, It doesn’t matter what accounts you have or which trading service you use. The concept is explained on this page. You can setup a transmitter from one SC installation and a receiver study on a chart from another SC installation running a different trade service configuration. There is a video on this page and there is the study documentation inside SC. That should be enough to get started.

  • Hello, apologies if this has been asked before, but is it possible to trade different numbers of contracts on the sender and receiver side? For example, if I wanted to trade 2 NQs on the “send” side, but want to trade 10 MNQs on the receiver size, (or vice versa) is this supported?

    Thank you!

  • Hi Frederick. Really interested in this.

    Couple of questions…..

    How would I copy trades from one rhithmic account to another if I can only log into one account at a time on sierra?

    Would I need to log in to each separate rhithmic account via sierra, and set up recievers?

    Curious on how I can make thus work as I have 2 separate rhithmic accounts.

    Look forward to your response

    • You can run multiple SC installations on your local machine. You simply install SC in a different location on your local computer and configure this to login to your other rithmic account. You can run both SC installations and use one as Tx while the other can Rx trades made.

  • Hi Frederik…. love the idea. I’ve been looking for something like this to trade more than one evaluator/funder at a time. One small detail, when you say instance, do you mean installation (on same PC)?

    eg. “Yes. You can use this on different SC instances configured with different trade services like Rithimic or any other service that works with SC.”

    As far as I know, all instances use the same data/account as the main instance. To use multiple data/account services, you would need an additional install of SC on the same computer and not just a new instance, right?

    • Can be instance of the same Sc installation, instance of another SC installation, any chart really, it doesn’t matter, you just can’t copy to the same symbol and account obviously, other than that you can copy from one chart to another no matter where on your local machine this chart is run.

      Answer is Yes, on your last question. Enjoy a trial and find out.

  • i do like that fact you can can use multiple brokers with your SC TC, what i dont like is if you have 10 funded accounts you have to open 10 charts to replicate your trades, you may want to look at relikanto, they have a more efficient and simpler mechanism to enable to trade multiple accounts. here is the link to TC: https://replikanto.com/

    • Hey. Thanks for trying. You are free to use Ninja as a subpar trading platform and use whatever you linked to. Within SC there is no no other way to copy trades, whether you like it or not.

  • Hello Frederick,
    can I trade different product types on syncing accounts? E.g. CL FUT on signal one and MCL FUT on copied one.

  • Hi, I would like to use your study and would pay for it. The problem is, that it does not sync multiple OCO orders correctly. My study creates a new order and sets OCOGroup1Quantity and OCOGroup2Quantity but only one OCO group is transfered to the other instance.

    Also I would prefer if the copier would take the TP/SL from the original order instead of using the precreated brackets on the receiver which then are moved once I move the stop/tp on the sender.

    Any chance you can implement this?

    If not, can you give me a hint on how you communicate between the two instances?


    • this study is made for copying manual trades from the trade window. If you set the same bracket order config on the receiver chart you should be fine. This way of “copying” trades is also a lot more flexible for the user and a lot less work for me than working with strict TP/SL from the original order. This will likely not change in the next version.

  • Hi Frederik, can I just confirm please — the chart listening/receiving cannot be setup to use SC’s in-built Order Allocation feature, yes? Ie, that receiving chart has two accounts using Order Allocation, instead of having one listening chart, I would have to have a chart setup for each of the accounts instead?

    • I never tested this in combination with SC allocation feature I do not provide support for it and I don’t recommend it. You can do whatever you want. Use a trial and decide for yourself.

      • Ok, thanks. As there are only two accounts in the Order Allocation, I’m not too worried about it, but will try it out. Will download the trial soon as I am hoping to get this established in my charts next week.

  • Hi – If I have 1 prop firm with 11 accounts running will I need to have 11 different windows open?
    Also, how is the slippage and closing correctly with adding multiple positions?
    Right now I am using SC order allocation with is very easy to use but it doesnt copy the correct amounts for the multiplier and when I build positions it will open limit orders in the opposite direction with the subs…is this an issue with you software?

    • yes 11 charts loaded with a receiver study. slippage is not under anyone’s control. orders are executed at market so slippage can happen. there is no issues with using a multiplier. Just don’t use both the SC allocation and this study at the same time, it’s not designed for that. Building a position with my LTC study will always happen in scaling in mode.

  • Hello ! Im trying to connect the copier to 2 separate installations of sierra on the same computer.
    I have the transmitter on one Installation (main) and the receiver on the second installation (slave) However I’m not getting the 2nd installation to see the transmitter on the Main installation. What am I doing wrong here?

  • Hi Frederik, I have 3 accounts at the same broker, can I use your study to copy the trades from one instance running 1 account and 2 more instances running the other 2 accounts? Thanks in advanced for your answer

  • Hi Frederick, how is this different to the freel built in copier from SC, ? also say yuo have 5 funding accounts, does you know to have all the charts open for for each of those accounts ?

    • Read this page with a bit more attention and you will find the answer. This is not an account copier, nor magic, so yes a chart needs to be open and a study needs to be loaded to make this concept to work.

  • Hi Frederik,

    Will the trade copier study works with DOM? Will it be able to handle multiple lots with multiple targets? Will it also work with 3 different instances of SC?


  • Hi Frederik, tried out the trial version. Thanks for your help and patience making it work. Wasn’t difficult, operator error. Just signed up for the subscription. Great work. Appreciated.

  • Hi Frederik, can this be used on 2 separate computers? I have 2 pc’s each running 1 instance of SierraChart. They are using the same Sierra account and are both on the same local network. Would I be able to transmit a trade from one to the other or does Sierra need to be running both instances on the same single pc? Thanks

  • Hi,

    seems really interesting, got 2 questions:

    1. If I decide to buy this, will I be able to use the study on multiple differenct computers or is it just a single license for 1 machine? (right now I have 3 different machines in different locations)

    2. Are there any future plans/changes so it isn’t only local? For Instance I enter a trade on my desktop and it also copies to my notebook.

    • 1. When you buy, you will get a study license which is tied to your SC account. If you can use SC on different computers from the same SC account you can also use the study on those machines.
      2. I have plans to expand the signal provider study that I offer. This future update will allow a user to share your trades in real-time with other users across the globe. It’s totally separate from this local copier study though.

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